
Will you grant me three wishes?

Today I was talking to the family's hairstylist and commented about a friend I've had since high school and how she is K's godmother. (I normally would use the term baptismal sponsor, but understand that godmother is more universally understood.) Later, on the way to dance class, K said,"So Krista is my fairy godmother?" "And Mike is my fairy godfather?"...so I explained what it was I had meant. I had to break the news to her that she doesn't HAVE a fairy godmother :)


Tongue Twisted

When encouraged to finish her dinner ('cause she's ALWAYS SO SLOW!), K said, "I'm chewing slowly so my taste tongues........taste buns........taste bugs can taste it!"


You Know What I Meant

Several weeks ago, I taught K a new word which means EXTREMELY dry and thirsty. She's tried using it on her own a couple of times, usually getting it close, but not quite right. The other day we were out running errands and K said, "Mommy, I'm starched." What? "It means I'm really thirsty? (with a tone like, of course you dummy!)" I get it! "You mean PARCHED!"....."Yeah, that's what I meant."

A Case of Confused Identities

We took a trip to the seminary in Ft. Wayne to drop off some donated items from our congregation. As you enter the main drive, there is a rather large statue on the left. Daddy said, "Hey guys, look, there's a statue of Martin Luther coming up here on the left." From the back seat, G pipes up with, "Who's that? The guy who drove the Santa Maria?"

Career Aspirations

K is so excited to be starting her first dance class this week. However, last week she told me that when she grows up she wants to go to the moon. I said, "So you want to be an astronaut?" She replied, "yes". So I told her about how you have to be good at science and have special training to be an astronaut and that it would be very exciting. Then I said, "But I thought you wanted to be a dancer when you grow up." Her response? "I do, I want to dance on the moon.....has anybody ever done that before?"


Duh, mom!

K had a playdate with her friend G today. They ran up and down the stairs; dressing up, playing Barbies, playing house, you name it. At one point G came downstairs wearing K's black church shoes and I said, "Oh, K's shoes fit you?". G simply responded, "yes". K said (with sarcasm in her voice), "Of course, 'cause we're friends." I tried to explain that doesn't mean you necessarily wear the same size shoe, or that it should be some sort of prerequisite for becoming friends. I'm pretty sure my point was lost in her excitement to continue playing.

Interesting Idea

K has two stuffed pink dogs; one she's had since birth that G gave her and another for at least 2 years. She's never really been one to name things. An infant is "Baby", a small primate is "Monkey". She will sometimes name things after people she knows. Yesterday, she proudly announced that she'd come up with names for her two pink dogs....Vanilla and Steve. What?!?!


Lacking Entertainment

I told G this morning at breakfast that the TV is broken (went on the fritz last night). He asked if we will have to buy a new TV. I told him that's what the warranty is for, a repairman will come and try to fix it and if it can't be fixed, they are supposed to give us a different TV. He said, "I hope they give us a TV like N & P's (his grandparents)".....I said, "What?" - Their TV is an LCD flat screen, just like ours, except I believe ours is bigger, so I couldn't figure out WHY he wanted a TV like theirs. G said, "I want a TV like N & P's 'cause I just love SpongeBob and ...." I explained to him that the TV has nothing to do with it, N & P have cable, whereas we're on antennae. So unless the TV guy brings us a cable line way out here to the country or a dish for FREE, we ain't gonna have a "TV like N & Ps"! G was really disappointed.


He's Not Contagious!

We have a short-term foster child, respite for a week. K couldn't remember his name, but got it close, "Germ" day one. Day 2 she said his name was "Jer-mo-mee". Day 3 she finally got it right!


It's Not Always Pronounced How It's Spelled

The adults just returned from a trip to the Southwest. The kids stayed with their Grandparents and had a great time. A gift we brought for K was a small bear from my brother (a police officer). On the drive home from the grandparents, K was holding her bear and studying it intently. "I know what my new bear's name should be," she said. I asked her what. "Pawlicka," was her reply. I saw she was pointing to the vest the bear was wearing. There I clearly saw the letters P-O-L-I-C-E. I'm really proud of her reading skills, as she is just 4, but I had to try my best not to laugh as I told her how the word is really pronounced.

Choices, choices

G and daddy went to take the dog to get her nails clipped. We've found a VERY reasonable groomer who only charges $5 for the event. They returned home and I asked G how it had gone. He said, "It cost 5 whole dollars. I could have gotten a footlong, I was starving." I can't blame him, I love Subway too :)



The two big kids, G & K, are usually pretty helpful to B. Unfortunately, they also think they always have to be involved in everything that's going on with him. This morning, C was changing B's diaper and both G & K were hovering, right there in the bedroom. C asked them to leave. K said, "I'm watching so I know how to change a diaper when I grow up to be a mom or a dad." C told her that she's a girl, so she'll be a mom. G laughed. K said, "Oh.....I knew that!"


What Did You Call Him?

I've taken to calling B "Bugaboo"...don't know why, it just came out of my mouth when getting him out of the carseat the other day. It seems to suit him and I've been calling him that at various times for the last several days. This morning G suggested that HE should be called "Bugaboo" and since B came to us sick and has been rather snotty for the last week and a half (albeit now much less snotty), that B should be called "Boogerboo".....GROSS!

How Do You Say It?

Since B is not really saying any words, we've decided we will be trying to teach him some signs, just like we did for G & K so that he hopefully won't get too frustrated trying to communicate with us and vice versa. Anyway - he's already learned "more, all done, cheese, apple, and cracker". Today he wanted to climb up and down repeatedly on the bench at the kitchen table. When he wants up he raises his arms, but when he wants down he kinda just grunts or whines. K decided she should teach him how to sign "down"....she said, "Mommy, how do you say 'down' in Baby?"


God Did What?

K and N and I were reading a Bible Story book N had found in the back room....a lift-the-flap type with lots of colorful pictures. As I read it, they took turned opening the little windows. We got to the story of Noah's ark and looked at all the animals, I read the text, we talked a little. K said, "You know mommy, this is when God said he'd never send any more splosions on the earth." I said, "You mean when He put the rainbow in the sky and promised never to flood the whole earth again?" She giggled and said, "Yeah, that's what I meant."

A Really Big Boy

G today provided me with two really proud moments. He played his last basketball game of the season on the co-rec league: scored two baskets, had a breakaway run right at the beginning of the game, a good pass or two....they all got trophies (as of course you do at the tender age of 6, when they don't even "officially" keep score!) and looked very pleased with themselves.

G also today reached a definite milestone. N, our new foster son (also 6) wanted to ride G's old bike to show us that he knows how to do it without training wheels. We talked about what an accomplishment that is, and that G is still working on learning. N wanted to "demonstrate" for G how it's to be done and rode a lap of the parking lot next door. N got off and wanted G to try. So we put his helmet on and Daddy held on to the back. Lo and behold, our little boy who's alway been a bit awkward and clumsy, took off riding without a second thought, beaming smile on his face and leaving a happy and very proud tear in my eye.


The Joy of a Young Boy

G came to me tonight before bed and said excitedly, "Mom, I think I'm the luckiest boy in the whole world." I asked him why. He said, "This week I got two new brothers (our first placement as foster parents, N is 6 1/2 and B is 18 months), I'm helping hand (at school when it's your week to bring snack you get to be the helper each day also: line leader, passer outer of papers, etc), and I've got a loose tooth that's about to fall out." Pretty well wraps it up, doesn't it?


The Other 7 Dwarves

G was discussing the 7 dwarves with Grandma and Grandpa....not sure what brought it up. Grandpa asked G if he could name the dwarves: Dopey, Snuffy, Angry, Dumpy, Sloppy, Stinky and Jack.



A recent favorite PBS kids' show of mine is Superwhy...great learning using nursery rhymes and fairy tales to enhance reading skills and problem solving...anyway - K was watching and came running into the computer room to announce the fairy tale for today, "Handsome and Gretel". Isn't that cute? :)


The Power of Advertising

July 2008...G & K were watching Saturday morning cartoons while I took a shower. G ran into the bathroom and says, "Are you tired of watering your plants and making a mess?" He sounded just like the infomercial he had just seen for "Aqua Globes".

Ways to Achieve Sleep

June 2008....On the way to a swimming lesson, G asked me if I ever had trouble "turning my brain off". "No, why?" I asked. G said, "I sometimes have trouble turning my brain of to go to sleep." I asked what he does to try to go to sleep anyway. "I pretend my brain is filling up with smoke and that helps me fall asleep. Does daddy have trouble turning off his brain?" I said, "Sometimes." G said, "Maybe you should tell daddy he should put smoke in his brain."

Being Literal

June 2008....I asked K if she wanted to help measure stuff for homemade mac and cheese. She said sure, ran off and returned with a tape measure. I said, "What's that for?" K said, "To measure stuff." To not hurt her feelings, we measured the 9X13 dish to make sure it was the right size. I then said, "Ok, NOW we'll use the measuring cup for the rest of the stuff."


June 2008...We were setting up our new TV and left the room for a couple of minutes with various cables etc, left on the floor. We returned and G was sitting on the floor with an AV cable (red-white-yellow) laying on the floor. "I separated it for you, 'cause it was stuck."


March 2008....K at dinner closed one eye and became the Macaroni Pirate..."Give me all your macamoni, arggh."

Sparkly Stuff in the Sky

January 2008....Out for an afterdark walk, mommy said, "Ooh, look at the stars." G said, "It looks like glitter in the sky." K said, "Maybe God made glitter."

Revving Engines

January 2008 (G is now 5 and K is 3)....G had a rather loud passing of air while sitting on the potty and said, "Daddy, my gas came on."

I Wanna Wish You a Merry Christmas

Dec. 2007......A Taco John's commercial came on the radio playing "Feliz Navidad"....K heard it and said, "Mommy, mommy it's Peace Habbinock!" (The next day we heard it again and she said, "Bunease Mommybop".

Turkey Humor

November 2007....G was talking on the phone with his cousin J and asked, "Did you buy your turkey at the store or did you catch it?"

Career Aspirations

November 2007.....My in-laws were here for Thanksgiving and one evening we went out to Red Robin for dinner (there's a Statue of Liberty figurine standing in the lobby holding a burger on a platter). K decides that's what she wants to be when she grows up, the "Natnoo of Nibernee".

Hes Got a Point

October 2007....G said, "Why isn't is called a kitchen room?" Valid point: bathroom, bedroom, playroom, mudroom, living room, dining room and.....KITCHEN!

The Ultimate Big Box Store

October 2007....While driving into town, we passed some construction (a nearly completed store) and K said, "Is that going to be the Super Duper Walmart?"

Good Behavior

May 2007....K was sitting on the potty and said, "Mom, you happy of me?" I said, "Am I happy with you? Yes I am, you're behaving nicely and you've been a really good girl today." "Mom, you little bit disappointed of G?" I laughed and said, "No, I'm happy with him too." (Clearly she's heard me say things like, "G, I'm very disappointed in the way you've been acting.")

Kisses Fix Everything

May 2007....K started randomly asking, "Mama, you happy?" If I said no and looked sad on purpose, K gave me a kiss and asked, "Now you happy?"

You Heard Him Right

April 2007....After communion, G asked to smell my breath. I let him and he sad, "It smells like blood." I said, "Wine, it smells lik wine." G said, "Daddy said it was blood (the boy had sure been listening!)."

What Was That Smell?

March 2007....Getting out of the van, I smelled pigs from a nearby farm. I said, "Boy, it sure smells like pig." G said, "Maybe it's a skunk." I said, "I don't think it's a skunk." He replied, "Maybe it's K." K smiled and proudly said, "Me stink."

Snow Sadness

Feb. 2007....Each time we've played in the snow, K is content to sit and eat it. Today, daddy took a hunk of snow away from her and she immediately said sadly, "Milk". Daddy told her it's snow, frozen water. He asked her if she'd thought she was eating milk and she said yes.

A Senior Moment?

Feb. 2007....At dinner, daddy and I were chatting and G said, "I need some peace and quiet so I can think about what I'm thinking." He paused and said, "Dad, what was I thinking?"

Career Choices

G was 4 and K as 2 in Feb. 2007. At lunch G asked daddy why we wanted to be a pastor when he grew up. "Because I wanted to tell people about God and to help people." G said, "I want to be a farmer because I have a John Deere hat." K said she wanted to be a snowman. G told her she would melt in the summer, so she said she wanted to be a refrigerator.

Old News Is Still Fun!

About two years ago, I started keeping a little journal on each of the kids wth their "interesting observations" about the world. I was very sporadic in writing anything down, but did get a few cute things. I know that I won't be keeping up with those books, so thought I'd go ahead and post those things on this blog, so they aren't lost to posterity.


Not Again!

We were at Kroger today and K had to go to the bathroom (of course!)....my mom was in one stall, K was in the next, another lady was in the 3rd. I was waiting by the sinks and another lady came and waited next to me. K said (loudly), "I don't think anybody really wants to come in here." I (rather stupidly) asked, "Why?" K said, "It really stinks." Snickers, giggles follow and I say my typical, "Thanks for the report." K very nonchalantly comes out of the bathroom, washes her hands (humming) and looks at me saying,"You're welcome for the report." Chalk another one up for Missy K! :)



I noticed a blemish on the side of K's nose this morning and told her it looks like she has a pimple. It was our day to drive to school today, so on the way, her friend G was talking about her own ouchie on her pinkie. K then replied, "Did you see the pickle on my nose?"


What Did You Say?

G is learning about Abraham Lincoln as school, and grandma is here to visit for a couple of days. Yesterday, we picked him up from school and he showed grandma his classroom. They talked a little bit about Abraham Lincoln and grandma told him that this year good ol' Abe would have been 200 years old. G looked at her and said, "200? That's even older than you, you're in your 70s!" I whispered to him, "She's in her early 60s." Grandma just laughed. :)


A Regal Odor?

K had bought a bath set at Target with her own money (complete with bath gel, princess wand and fizzy bath beads) and used some of the bath gel tonight for her bath. She told daddy that the bath gel is the same as Sleeping Beauty uses, so therefore, K now smells like a princess. The girl is obsessed with anything royal (at least Disney royal!).


A Budding Career

G made his own lunch for school this morning.....kind of. He made the PB&J, spreading the peanut butter nicely, adding a dollop of jelly, cutting the sandwich in half. He did a pretty good job of it too, and then proudly announced, "I could really be a chef!"


What did you say?

K's teacher pulled me aside when I dropped K off at school this afternoon to tell me a quick story. On Tuesday at school they had gone down to the sanctuary of the church to look at the baptismal font and talk about baptism and becoming a child of God. Most of the kids were more interested in a circle shaped hole (she told me it's a mic jack of sorts) cut into the green carpet. K made an observation: "I think this was a golf course before it was a church."


The funniest gift EVER!

G, of course received gifts for his birthday, over a period of time. A new bike from one set of grandparents, an annual check for his savings account from the other; a cool 3-D sea monster projector, Cubs apparel, etc. The most exciting gift however (at least the funniest) was from our friends we visited over New Years......G had managed to leave a pair of underwear at their house, so they sent it with his gift. It's been a joke at our house for the past several days, wondering when G's underwear will get here. It finally arrived yesterday, his freshly washed tidy whities folded neatly in the package. G got a real kick out of it! :) I tried to convince him that was his gift...he didn't buy it :)

G turned 6!

On Thursday, my little boy turned 6.....it's a big milestone (at least in his mind!). He announced that we can now go shopping, run errands or over to church by ourselves (or just with K), 'cause, "Now that I'm six I can stay home by myself." (HA!) We sat him down and straightened him out, real quick!


What Fun!

At lunch today, we were talking about our new Wii console we received as a gift at Christmas. The question was asked, "Why is it called Wii? Does it stand for something?" My guess was that maybe it's just a fun way to say/spell "WHEEEE!". G piped up with, "I know what Wii stands for....it's stands for YAHOO!!"


You Know What I Mean!

Tonight at dinner, K asked for some more salad, so I gave her seconds. She said, "Make sure you give me more potatoes!" I laughed and said, "I think you mean tomatoes!"


Ahhh...Sunshine and Beaches!

We were visiting friends in Central Illinois the last couple of days and went to a mall. While waiting for a DELICIOUS Auntie Anne's pretzel snack (hot from the oven!) we sat under an indoor archway/trellis type thing with some vining plants. G told our friend Mike that it reminded him of Hawaii....never knew that he'd been.