
A Really Big Boy

G today provided me with two really proud moments. He played his last basketball game of the season on the co-rec league: scored two baskets, had a breakaway run right at the beginning of the game, a good pass or two....they all got trophies (as of course you do at the tender age of 6, when they don't even "officially" keep score!) and looked very pleased with themselves.

G also today reached a definite milestone. N, our new foster son (also 6) wanted to ride G's old bike to show us that he knows how to do it without training wheels. We talked about what an accomplishment that is, and that G is still working on learning. N wanted to "demonstrate" for G how it's to be done and rode a lap of the parking lot next door. N got off and wanted G to try. So we put his helmet on and Daddy held on to the back. Lo and behold, our little boy who's alway been a bit awkward and clumsy, took off riding without a second thought, beaming smile on his face and leaving a happy and very proud tear in my eye.

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