
Christmas Letter Quandry

It's that time of year.....time to decide: 1) Are we sending a Christmas letter this year? (opted not to last year, but it's a yes now); 2) Who are we sending the letter to?(list is already made); and 3) What do I chose to include in the letter?

One of my biggest concerns about the holiday letter is that we'll be one of "those" families. You know, the ones that drone on and on about what they've done, how much they've accomplished, where they've vacationed, how perfect their children are. So I am very cautious when penning our own Christmas tidings to try to make it short and sweet, without the least bit of bragging. Even worse, I don't want to be the family that sends the dullest, most uninteresting piece of drivel ever written. Is this piece of paper supposed to inform, entertain, serve as a progress report?

What do you include in holiday tidings? Our day-to-day activities are not particularly exciting, but we find a joy in living. We don't have a stack of money at our disposal, but we are not lacking for anything. We have an abundance of friends and family, albeit many are more than a short drive away. Our family is far from perfect, but we are certainly blessed.

I think I know what I'll write; blessings.

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