
The horror of Alvin & the Chipmunks

My kids are highly entertained by the Alvin & the Chipmunks movie. They first saw it this summer at a kids movie series at a local theater and hooted and hollered in the aisles (especially my son, G). We found it shortly thereafter on DVD and bought it 'cause they enjoyed it so much and it was on sale. We thought it to be a harmless, entertaining, cute little flick for practically all ages; if not a bit silly and over the top. I was fondly reminded of my youth and time spent watching the Alvin & the Chipmunks cartoon.

Since then, they've watched it several times, always laughing, sometimes dancing, but recently quoting. "I'm waiting for the rinse cycle," is of course, a much-used Alvin quote. K's most recent choice of fine movie dialogue is: as she runs into the bathroom, slams the door, opens the door, sticks her head out and shouts, "Kiss my furry cheeks!".....now at first listen, I found it hilarious to hear those words coming from a 3 1/2 year old girl, and obviously she doesn't really get it. Upon hearing it a second, third and then fourth time, the humor was reduced significantly, followed quickly by the realization that she might someday say those words in public, or heaven help us at my husband's church! Now we talk about "appropriate" things to say, and the fact that those choice words are not "appropriate"....EVER!

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