

A recent favorite PBS kids' show of mine is Superwhy...great learning using nursery rhymes and fairy tales to enhance reading skills and problem solving...anyway - K was watching and came running into the computer room to announce the fairy tale for today, "Handsome and Gretel". Isn't that cute? :)


The Power of Advertising

July 2008...G & K were watching Saturday morning cartoons while I took a shower. G ran into the bathroom and says, "Are you tired of watering your plants and making a mess?" He sounded just like the infomercial he had just seen for "Aqua Globes".

Ways to Achieve Sleep

June 2008....On the way to a swimming lesson, G asked me if I ever had trouble "turning my brain off". "No, why?" I asked. G said, "I sometimes have trouble turning my brain of to go to sleep." I asked what he does to try to go to sleep anyway. "I pretend my brain is filling up with smoke and that helps me fall asleep. Does daddy have trouble turning off his brain?" I said, "Sometimes." G said, "Maybe you should tell daddy he should put smoke in his brain."

Being Literal

June 2008....I asked K if she wanted to help measure stuff for homemade mac and cheese. She said sure, ran off and returned with a tape measure. I said, "What's that for?" K said, "To measure stuff." To not hurt her feelings, we measured the 9X13 dish to make sure it was the right size. I then said, "Ok, NOW we'll use the measuring cup for the rest of the stuff."


June 2008...We were setting up our new TV and left the room for a couple of minutes with various cables etc, left on the floor. We returned and G was sitting on the floor with an AV cable (red-white-yellow) laying on the floor. "I separated it for you, 'cause it was stuck."


March 2008....K at dinner closed one eye and became the Macaroni Pirate..."Give me all your macamoni, arggh."

Sparkly Stuff in the Sky

January 2008....Out for an afterdark walk, mommy said, "Ooh, look at the stars." G said, "It looks like glitter in the sky." K said, "Maybe God made glitter."

Revving Engines

January 2008 (G is now 5 and K is 3)....G had a rather loud passing of air while sitting on the potty and said, "Daddy, my gas came on."

I Wanna Wish You a Merry Christmas

Dec. 2007......A Taco John's commercial came on the radio playing "Feliz Navidad"....K heard it and said, "Mommy, mommy it's Peace Habbinock!" (The next day we heard it again and she said, "Bunease Mommybop".

Turkey Humor

November 2007....G was talking on the phone with his cousin J and asked, "Did you buy your turkey at the store or did you catch it?"

Career Aspirations

November 2007.....My in-laws were here for Thanksgiving and one evening we went out to Red Robin for dinner (there's a Statue of Liberty figurine standing in the lobby holding a burger on a platter). K decides that's what she wants to be when she grows up, the "Natnoo of Nibernee".

Hes Got a Point

October 2007....G said, "Why isn't is called a kitchen room?" Valid point: bathroom, bedroom, playroom, mudroom, living room, dining room and.....KITCHEN!

The Ultimate Big Box Store

October 2007....While driving into town, we passed some construction (a nearly completed store) and K said, "Is that going to be the Super Duper Walmart?"

Good Behavior

May 2007....K was sitting on the potty and said, "Mom, you happy of me?" I said, "Am I happy with you? Yes I am, you're behaving nicely and you've been a really good girl today." "Mom, you little bit disappointed of G?" I laughed and said, "No, I'm happy with him too." (Clearly she's heard me say things like, "G, I'm very disappointed in the way you've been acting.")

Kisses Fix Everything

May 2007....K started randomly asking, "Mama, you happy?" If I said no and looked sad on purpose, K gave me a kiss and asked, "Now you happy?"

You Heard Him Right

April 2007....After communion, G asked to smell my breath. I let him and he sad, "It smells like blood." I said, "Wine, it smells lik wine." G said, "Daddy said it was blood (the boy had sure been listening!)."

What Was That Smell?

March 2007....Getting out of the van, I smelled pigs from a nearby farm. I said, "Boy, it sure smells like pig." G said, "Maybe it's a skunk." I said, "I don't think it's a skunk." He replied, "Maybe it's K." K smiled and proudly said, "Me stink."

Snow Sadness

Feb. 2007....Each time we've played in the snow, K is content to sit and eat it. Today, daddy took a hunk of snow away from her and she immediately said sadly, "Milk". Daddy told her it's snow, frozen water. He asked her if she'd thought she was eating milk and she said yes.

A Senior Moment?

Feb. 2007....At dinner, daddy and I were chatting and G said, "I need some peace and quiet so I can think about what I'm thinking." He paused and said, "Dad, what was I thinking?"

Career Choices

G was 4 and K as 2 in Feb. 2007. At lunch G asked daddy why we wanted to be a pastor when he grew up. "Because I wanted to tell people about God and to help people." G said, "I want to be a farmer because I have a John Deere hat." K said she wanted to be a snowman. G told her she would melt in the summer, so she said she wanted to be a refrigerator.

Old News Is Still Fun!

About two years ago, I started keeping a little journal on each of the kids wth their "interesting observations" about the world. I was very sporadic in writing anything down, but did get a few cute things. I know that I won't be keeping up with those books, so thought I'd go ahead and post those things on this blog, so they aren't lost to posterity.


Not Again!

We were at Kroger today and K had to go to the bathroom (of course!)....my mom was in one stall, K was in the next, another lady was in the 3rd. I was waiting by the sinks and another lady came and waited next to me. K said (loudly), "I don't think anybody really wants to come in here." I (rather stupidly) asked, "Why?" K said, "It really stinks." Snickers, giggles follow and I say my typical, "Thanks for the report." K very nonchalantly comes out of the bathroom, washes her hands (humming) and looks at me saying,"You're welcome for the report." Chalk another one up for Missy K! :)



I noticed a blemish on the side of K's nose this morning and told her it looks like she has a pimple. It was our day to drive to school today, so on the way, her friend G was talking about her own ouchie on her pinkie. K then replied, "Did you see the pickle on my nose?"


What Did You Say?

G is learning about Abraham Lincoln as school, and grandma is here to visit for a couple of days. Yesterday, we picked him up from school and he showed grandma his classroom. They talked a little bit about Abraham Lincoln and grandma told him that this year good ol' Abe would have been 200 years old. G looked at her and said, "200? That's even older than you, you're in your 70s!" I whispered to him, "She's in her early 60s." Grandma just laughed. :)