
Duh, mom!

K had a playdate with her friend G today. They ran up and down the stairs; dressing up, playing Barbies, playing house, you name it. At one point G came downstairs wearing K's black church shoes and I said, "Oh, K's shoes fit you?". G simply responded, "yes". K said (with sarcasm in her voice), "Of course, 'cause we're friends." I tried to explain that doesn't mean you necessarily wear the same size shoe, or that it should be some sort of prerequisite for becoming friends. I'm pretty sure my point was lost in her excitement to continue playing.

Interesting Idea

K has two stuffed pink dogs; one she's had since birth that G gave her and another for at least 2 years. She's never really been one to name things. An infant is "Baby", a small primate is "Monkey". She will sometimes name things after people she knows. Yesterday, she proudly announced that she'd come up with names for her two pink dogs....Vanilla and Steve. What?!?!