
It's Not Always Pronounced How It's Spelled

The adults just returned from a trip to the Southwest. The kids stayed with their Grandparents and had a great time. A gift we brought for K was a small bear from my brother (a police officer). On the drive home from the grandparents, K was holding her bear and studying it intently. "I know what my new bear's name should be," she said. I asked her what. "Pawlicka," was her reply. I saw she was pointing to the vest the bear was wearing. There I clearly saw the letters P-O-L-I-C-E. I'm really proud of her reading skills, as she is just 4, but I had to try my best not to laugh as I told her how the word is really pronounced.

Choices, choices

G and daddy went to take the dog to get her nails clipped. We've found a VERY reasonable groomer who only charges $5 for the event. They returned home and I asked G how it had gone. He said, "It cost 5 whole dollars. I could have gotten a footlong, I was starving." I can't blame him, I love Subway too :)



The two big kids, G & K, are usually pretty helpful to B. Unfortunately, they also think they always have to be involved in everything that's going on with him. This morning, C was changing B's diaper and both G & K were hovering, right there in the bedroom. C asked them to leave. K said, "I'm watching so I know how to change a diaper when I grow up to be a mom or a dad." C told her that she's a girl, so she'll be a mom. G laughed. K said, "Oh.....I knew that!"