
A Regal Odor?

K had bought a bath set at Target with her own money (complete with bath gel, princess wand and fizzy bath beads) and used some of the bath gel tonight for her bath. She told daddy that the bath gel is the same as Sleeping Beauty uses, so therefore, K now smells like a princess. The girl is obsessed with anything royal (at least Disney royal!).


A Budding Career

G made his own lunch for school this morning.....kind of. He made the PB&J, spreading the peanut butter nicely, adding a dollop of jelly, cutting the sandwich in half. He did a pretty good job of it too, and then proudly announced, "I could really be a chef!"


What did you say?

K's teacher pulled me aside when I dropped K off at school this afternoon to tell me a quick story. On Tuesday at school they had gone down to the sanctuary of the church to look at the baptismal font and talk about baptism and becoming a child of God. Most of the kids were more interested in a circle shaped hole (she told me it's a mic jack of sorts) cut into the green carpet. K made an observation: "I think this was a golf course before it was a church."


The funniest gift EVER!

G, of course received gifts for his birthday, over a period of time. A new bike from one set of grandparents, an annual check for his savings account from the other; a cool 3-D sea monster projector, Cubs apparel, etc. The most exciting gift however (at least the funniest) was from our friends we visited over New Years......G had managed to leave a pair of underwear at their house, so they sent it with his gift. It's been a joke at our house for the past several days, wondering when G's underwear will get here. It finally arrived yesterday, his freshly washed tidy whities folded neatly in the package. G got a real kick out of it! :) I tried to convince him that was his gift...he didn't buy it :)

G turned 6!

On Thursday, my little boy turned 6.....it's a big milestone (at least in his mind!). He announced that we can now go shopping, run errands or over to church by ourselves (or just with K), 'cause, "Now that I'm six I can stay home by myself." (HA!) We sat him down and straightened him out, real quick!


What Fun!

At lunch today, we were talking about our new Wii console we received as a gift at Christmas. The question was asked, "Why is it called Wii? Does it stand for something?" My guess was that maybe it's just a fun way to say/spell "WHEEEE!". G piped up with, "I know what Wii stands for....it's stands for YAHOO!!"


You Know What I Mean!

Tonight at dinner, K asked for some more salad, so I gave her seconds. She said, "Make sure you give me more potatoes!" I laughed and said, "I think you mean tomatoes!"


Ahhh...Sunshine and Beaches!

We were visiting friends in Central Illinois the last couple of days and went to a mall. While waiting for a DELICIOUS Auntie Anne's pretzel snack (hot from the oven!) we sat under an indoor archway/trellis type thing with some vining plants. G told our friend Mike that it reminded him of Hawaii....never knew that he'd been.